Flow Freedom 2 EN B
Built with 60 cells in a semi-lightweight package using mainly Skytex 32g.
Performance is “mind-blowing”, on par with most modern EN C gliders.
There are a few hidden technologies applied on the Freedom2 which add further
stability in flight, performance and comfort.
New “A attachment points” offering better structural integrity and geometrical support to the leading edge. Increasing stability not only at trim but specially at speed when profile is at extreme angles of attack. Which ultimately translates to a more enjoyable and comfortable flying experience.
* Direct rear riser steering with ergonomic handles giving comfort, efficiency and precision during accelerated flight.
* New enhanced pitch stable “shark nose” airfoil, especially designed for the Freedom2. Adding further stability.
* Hybrid 3-2 liner technology, which reduces line drag and improves glider control translating to groundbreaking performance gains to the EN-B class.
* Advanced internal structure and sail tensioning, only found in higher-end gliders giving less distortion and better sail cohesion to all flight configurations.
* Use of 3 different type of low drag lines. All main lines are sheathed Liros dyneema PPSLS. Mid and upper lines are a combination of unsheathed Elderid 8000U lines and Liros dyneema DC lines. The best combination for easy of use, durability and drag minimisation.
#flowparagliders #flowfreedom2 #parapente #freeflight #freedom #paragliding